Binance Pay Widget USDC

XenForo Add-on Binance Pay Widget USDC

No permission to buy ($25.00)
Binance Pay Widget addon for XenForo User Upgrades to accept payments in USDC

As Binance website is blocked in many countries, we added Proxy method, you can use your own proxy IP
that will allow Payment work straight on your XenForo website without visiting Binance website

Set up instruction:

1. Submit Merchant Application via Binance Pay merchant account here:

2. Wait 1-3 days for Binance to confirm your merchant account is granted

3. Visit Binance Merchant account

create an API

get API Key & Secret Key

4. Go to Webhooks, add payment callback URL:

https:// your domain name/payment_callback.php?_xfProvider=devfo_binance

5. Download addon, install it via ACP > Add-ons

6. Go to XenForo ACP > Setup > Payment profiles

Add payment profile: Binance Widget USDC

Title: Binance Pay Widget USDC

API identity key: input your API Key

API secret key: input your Secret Key

Return URL: https:// your domain name/account/upgrades

Cancel URL: https:// your domain name/account/upgrades

Proxy ip:rt :

Proxy type:

Proxy login:

Proxy password:


Note! Select proxy port type, enter proxy login & pass if proxy IP has it

7. By default USDC is not listed as currency in XenForo
that's why the simple steps are:

set up user upgrades in USD, choose PayPal only & save
go to user upgrades again to edit, select Binance Pay Widget USDC & save.

8. XenForo will show: There are templates that may be outdated. Click here to review them.
Press on Merge
Reslove using custom version 2 times & Press Merge

This option also needed on all custom styles

Tested on:

XenForo 2.3
XenForo 2.2
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